Kuntz Forestry Consulting Inc. specializes in forestry study and the preparation of reports required under regulatory process for development companies, and engineering, architecture, planning and law firms. Reports include environmental assessments, environmental impact statement reports, arborist reports, tree inventory and assessment reports, tree preservation plans, edge management plans, ravine stewardship plans, woodlot assessments and forest management plans.
Other areas of expertise include riparian forest management, ravine management and enhancement, forest silviculture prescription development, environmental monitoring, geographic information systems and Ontario Municipal Board hearings as expert witness (Consulting Professional Forester).
Principal, Consulting Professional Forester
Peter has over 35 years of experience in the forestry and urban forestry consulting industry. He has extensive experience preparing forest management plans and reports required for clients in a variety of sectors, including development firms, governments, and private landowners. He is a member of the Ontario Professional Foresters Association and the Canadian Institute of Forestry, among others. He is a Certified Tree Marker, a Butternut Health Assessor, an ISA Certified Plant Appraiser, and an ISA Certified Tree Risk Assessor. Peter manages and completes all forestry and arboricultural-related studies.
Senior Consulting Arborist (ISA), Ecologist
Celine is a passionate Ecologist and Certified Arborist with a thorough understanding of tree and ecosystem assessment, protocols, and management. Celine has experience working in silviculture and private consulting. She graduated from the University of Guelph with a Bachelor’s of Science in Environmental Sciences, majoring in ecology with an area of emphasis in development and stewardship. She is an ISA Certified Arborist, a qualified Tree Risk Assessor, a certified Butternut Health Assessor, a qualified Tree Appraiser, and is certified in Ecological Land Classification (ELC). Celine participates in ecological, forestry, and arboricultural related studies.
Ecologist, Certified Arborist (ISA)
Isaac is an ISA Certified Arborist with experience providing private consulting services in urban forest management, invasive species monitoring, plant health care, arboriculture and landscape architecture. He graduated from the University of Toronto with an Honors Bachelor of Science, majoring in Biodiversity and Conservation Biology and is an ISA certified Tree Risk Assessor and a Licensed Exterminator. Isaac participates in ecological and arboricultural related studies.
Forest Ecologist, Consulting Arborist (ISA)
Kaho has experience working in the fields of academic research, federal government agency and private consulting. She graduated from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln; NE USA with a Bachelor’s of Science in Environmental Sciences, majoring in natural resources management with an emphasis in forest wildlife. Other academic qualifications include a M.Sc.F. from the University of Toronto, where she studied climate-induced tree migration in Southern Ontario: pathways and source populations. Her interests include issues in forest conservation and geographic information sciences. Kaho participates in forestry and arboricultural related studies. She is certified in Ecological Land Classification (ELC), is a qualified Tree Risk Assessor, and is a Butternut Health Assessor.
Ecologist, Certified Arborist (ISA)
Kaylee is an Ecologist and Certified Arborist with experience in arboricultural consulting, plant health care, and species at risk management. Kaylee has experience working for public agencies and private consulting and arboricultural firms, and has a passion for tree management in the urban environment. She graduated from the University of Guelph with a Bachelor’s of Science in Environmental Sciences with a major in ecology. Kaylee participates in ecological and arboricultural related studies.
Restoration Ecologist, Arborist In Training
Marek is a restoration ecologist and arborist in training with experience in wildlife monitoring, ecological land classification (ELC), re-establishing native ecosystems, and invasive species management, and pedology. Marek has experience working with conservation authorities, non-profit organizations, and the private consulting sector. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Environmental and Urban Sustainability from Toronto Metropolitan University. Other academic qualifications include a Graduate Certificate in Ecosystem Restoration from Niagara College, where he studied endangered Owl migration patterns and developed a meadow restoration plan for an abandoned agricultural field. He is a Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner in Training (CERPIT) and OBBN qualified. Marek participates in ecological and arboricultural related studies.
Consulting Arborist (ISA)
Steven has experience working in silviculture, municipal government, and private consulting. He graduated from the University of Guelph with a Bachelor's of Science and is an ISA Certified Arborist. He is certified in Ecological Land Classification (ELC), is a qualified Tree Risk Assessor, and is a Butternut Health Assessor. Steven participates in ecological, forestry, and arboricultural related studies.
Kuntz Forestry Consulting Inc. provides professional advice based on current scientific study protocol and best management practices. We help our clients to maintain the ecological integrity and function of subject lands and features within current municipal policy framework.
Kuntz Forestry Consulting Inc. has completed over 2500 projects in the past 15 years. Our clients include municipal government and the private sectors, from single residential lots to large land holdings including infill development. We prepare studies in a variety of disciplines and work closely with clients to get them permits required in the regulatory and planning process. We service all of Ontario with an emphasis on Southern Ontario in a variety of environments including woodlands, rural areas and urban areas for existing and proposed developments, large and small.
Compost Tea Canada™ is a company developed by Kuntz Forestry Consulting Inc. (KFCI) as the result of 15 years of experience in the Urban Forestry sector realizing that urban soils lack the biology to sustain healthy plant life. We specialize in producing a cheaper, environmentally friendly alternative to fertilizers, fungicides, and herbicides. Compost Tea is an aerated live liquid product produced from vermiculture castings and key other key microbes including bacteria and fungi that is sprayed on trees and plants, or broadcasted on soils, or injected into the ground. Compost Tea Canada was created to meet the needs of our clients in Southern Ontario and is focused on returning resources back to the earth to create a healthy soil biology, in turn a healthy planet.
Clients we've had the privilage of working with over the last 15 years include the City of Toronto, the City of Brampton, Mattamy Homes, Studio TLA, SmartReit and the YMCA of Greater Toronto. See a more extensive list of clients below.
Municipalities and Public Agencies
Consulting Partners
Golf Courses and Private Open Spaces
Institutional and Non-profit
Landscape Design Firms
Phone: 289.837.1871
Fax: 1.866.693.6390
Halton / GTA (head) Office:
PO Box 1267 Lakeshore W PO Oakville, Ontario L6K 0B3
Halton Shipping/Courier Address:
96 Nelson Street, Unit 15, Oakville, Ontario L6L 3H8
Durham Office:
1869 Scugog St. Ste 6-155 Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1J1
© 2020 Kuntz Forestry Consulting Inc.
website by Meghan Gillespie